April 26, 2005
We Stand On Moral Ground, Stand With Us!

Did you see the full page ad that ran on April 25, 2005? It ran exactly a year after 1.15 million women, men and children marched on D.C. during the March for Women's Lives. Raleigh NOW was there with 2 busses full of mostly non-members (and we were not the only busses from Raleigh!). Most of our members drove themselves separately so they could help out (and party) early!

I have a copy of the ad, which I'll bring to our next meeting - Tuesday, May 3. It said
We Stand On Moral Ground

We stand for healthy women and families. We stand for access to basic health care, including birth control, emergency contraception, sex education, STD testing and treatment, prenatal care, and abortion.

We stand for medical privacy.

W e stand for women's lives. We stand on moral ground.

Stand With Us

Hope to see you Tuesday.

Posted by Admin at April 26, 2005 09:55 AM