August 07, 2005
August Actions

I. New actions
NOW is doing a 'HONK FOR JUSTICE' action in Raleigh this month. We will get permits on 5 or 6 sites around Raleigh and sent people to each site. We are looking at Thursday, August 18 or Friday, August 19 in the evening and Sunday afternoon, Aug 21. Write me if you are interested,

Next First Friday in September and at our Sept meeting - collect more signatures per past action below.

II. Past Action
Last Friday, Raleigh NOW joined Naral to collect signatures on Supreme Court petitions at First Night in Raleigh (Naral used theirs, and we used NOW's). Many people signed. Come to the next meeting if you want to sign too. The petition says:

"To my Senator: I am deeply concerned with the recent resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor and the nominiation of John Roberts as her replacement. Based in his previous statements, his nomination means we are facing devastating reversals on women's and civil rights in this country. I ask you to oppose his confirmation and that you demand a nominee more in tune with the majority of Americans. Thank you."

Posted by Admin at August 07, 2005 02:39 PM