January 26, 2006
Alito is Bad for Women and Families

I'm sure you heard that Judge Samuel Alito, Jr is against abortion. Did you know that he is against birth control? He believes that IUDs and birth control pills are abortifacients. So on these counts he is against women and families. He has voted against the Family and Medical Leave Act, and written that he believes the law is contrary to the 14th amendment. He has voted to make it harder for a jury to hear Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Harassment cases, which leaves them up to a single person, the judge. These ideas make things harder again for women and also for their families.

I have already heard about the chilling effect that Roberts has had on the Supreme Court from some that had testified in late 2005. That person said that the focus under Roberts moved from being concerned about each person to an attitude of "if it’s only a few women , who cares"?

Alito will be no better. I have read repeatedly that he votes for corporations and the government and clearly against individuals.

Right NOW, Judge Alito is being held in check by other members of the Third Circuit Court and by the Supreme Court. If he is confirmed as the 9th member of the Supreme Court, there is no one to keep him in check.

Please contact your senators with your concerns about Alito being the wrong choice for women and families.

Posted by Admin at January 26, 2006 10:03 AM