March 17, 2006
Peace March and Rally

On Saturday, March 18 2006, there is a March & Rally for Peace & Justice to Memorialize the 3rd Year of the War and Occupation in Iraq.

NOW's own Olga Vives is speaking at the rally.

For more information, go to

There is a bus from the triangle to the Peace March in Fayetteville. It will stop in Chapel Hill and in Raleigh. We think that the cost is $20.00. If you want a seat, contact Mark as soon as possible at

Some specifics are included here:
10am - Gather at the Cumberland County Health Center, 227 Fountainhead Lane, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301.

11:30 am - March to Rowan Street Park.

1:00-4:00 pm - Rally at Rowan Street Park.

Posted by Admin at March 17, 2006 12:11 AM