April 02, 2007
April 2007 Events

Tuesday, April 3, 7 pm
Wednesday, April 4, 12-2pm
Kick Off Event for National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Interact is hosting at their adminstrative office at 612 Wade Ave, Raleigh.
Tuesday, Apr 10, 7pm?
An event about faith and reproductive justice, sponsored by RCRC,
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice at UNC-CH
Monday, April 16, 6:30pm distribute to legislators
Friday, April 20, Saturday, April 21
Unfamiliar Temples: Im/migration, Women, and Religion
4th annual summit at Bennet College for Women in Greensboro.
Saturday, April 28 Demonstration in Durham,
"Creating a World Without Sexual Violence:
National Day of Truthtelling".
Raleigh NOW and NC NOW are co-sponsors.

Contact president@raleighnow.org for more information or to get the March/April 2007 Raleigh NOW Newsletter.

Posted by Admin at April 02, 2007 12:47 AM