September 23, 2007
Women have waited long enough - Ratify CEDAW!

NOW and allied organizations (including Amnesty International, the AAUW and the ACLU) are renewing their efforts this month to tell senators that 27 years is long enough - CEDAW must be ratified. Delegations of activists will converge on the nation's capital September 24 through 28 to deliver their messages in person. You can participate by calling your senators, sending an email message or visiting the senators' offices in Washington, D.C., or in your state.

CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, is a United Nations treaty that sets out internationally-accepted principles that uphold women's rights. We have waited 27 years for the Senate to take action and ratify this treaty.

Go to to read about CEDAW and to use NOW's action system to easily send emails to your state senators or mail directly to Senator Burr and Sentator Dole in their NC offices.

For a list of organizations that support CEDAW, go to

Posted by Admin at September 23, 2007 04:59 PM