January 02, 2010
Upcoming events Winter 2010

1. Roe Event, Jan 14 at 7pm, in Raleigh
Contact president@raleighnow.org.

2. Pro-choice signature ad
We are collecting names for NC NOW's prochoice signature ad, which will run in the Independent in January. Deadlines for names to be mailed is Jan 11, 2010. Donations are welcome with or without names! And we can get your name in without a donation too.

As a special deal, you can get your name in the ad and join or rejoin for $35.

3. MLK March in downtown Raleigh
Raleigh NOW will march with others honoring Martin Luther King, as we do every year. The march is Monday, Jan 18. We'll meet on the east side of Raleigh's capital. Look for the NOW rounds.

4. Phone banking for the signature ad
If you'd like to make calls with others in early January, probably Thursday, Jan 7, please contact Gailya at president@raleighnow.org. That will be our final phone banking for this ad.

Posted by Admin at January 02, 2010 02:08 PM