February 05, 2010
National Heroine Susan Hill Passed Away

Local and national clinic owner Susan Hill passed away on Saturday, Jan 30. What a wonder she was, dealing with incredible challenges at great personal risk, while operating the Women's Health Organization clinics in Raleigh and elsewhere in the US. One of her clinics is the last clinic left in Mississippi.

See some great articles on Susan at
* http://www.bluenc.com/susan-hill-has-died (shows a copy of the news release from National Women's Health Organization)
* http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/02/01/in-memoriam-susan-hill
* www.now.org
* http://www.ontheissuesmagazine.com/2010winter/2010winter_Bader.php
(article based on an interview in Jan 2010)

Some of these sites had graciously removed posted articles to wait until the news of Susan's passing became public, and they are being put back up.

Susan's courage and determination were and are an inspiration to so many people. We will go on!

Posted by Admin at February 05, 2010 11:56 AM