October 13, 2010
Dr Tiller Documentary Oct 25

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC announced on Oct 12 that there will be a documentary about Dr. George Tiller's assassination, including the ongoing federal DOJ grand jury investigation, on MSNBC Monday, Oct 25, at 9PM ET, with Rachel as the narrator. From her description (and considering her talent as an investigative journalist and broadcaster) it should be a DO NOT MISS production.

We should get a group together to watch it!

(From an email I'd received)

See more about Dr. Tiller and the documentary at http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2010/10/13/maddow-to-narrate-tiller-assassination-documentary/ (among other places)

Posted by Admin at October 13, 2010 03:15 PM