November 02, 2010
Milk (movie) is an inspiration (Harvey Milk)

Another movie to see - Raleigh NOW watched it in April.

Named for the title character, Harvey Milk (played by Sean Penn) is the first openly gay man in American history to be voted into public office. He started as a neighborhood activist who was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. We see how San Francisco was at that time, and how the gay community was treated. Milk wants to recruit the gay community into the politics of democracy, to persuade them that the stigma and discrimination they are used to enduring quietly and even guiltily can be addressed by voting, by demonstrating, by claiming the share of power that is every citizen’s birthright and responsibility. It’s a message for us all. Milk had a profound impact on national politics. This film is about how one person can make a big difference. About people sticking up for themselves.  It's inspiring. Read more about the film at And see it if you can. It’s great!

Posted by Admin at November 02, 2010 02:46 PM