May 10, 2011
Brutal NC Budget Editorials

Here are some highlights of the $19.3 billion budget for North Carolina state government for the 2011-12 fiscal year.

Health and Human Services is gutted (especially Smart Start/More at Four and PROHIBITING Planned Parenthood from getting any money or contracts -singling them out) not to mention eliminating state abortion fund, K-12 Education (slashing funds for schools), Community Colleges, UNC System, Justice and Public Safety, and other state agencies (reducing funds to libraries). These are horrifying cuts. Just to K-12 schools—a 49% reduction in Teacher Assistant Positions, a 68% reduction in funds for Textbooks, a 42% reduction in funds for School Supplies,a 100% reduction in funds for Technology and Staff Development, a 21% reduction in Assistant Principal allotments, a 12% reduction in AG teachers.

A list highlighting the cuts can be found at

There are also some heartfelt editorials about these slashes. See the following
1. Op-ed: Perdue: House budget rotten to the core-Fayetteville Observer
By Governor Bev Perdue, Published: 12:00 AM, Mon May 09, 2011

.. But, under the House budget passed last week - a vote taken without bringing educators to the negotiating table - North Carolina's classrooms, colleges, teachers and children will become the victims of staggering cuts.

(Go to article for more)

2. Durham's teachers went to Raleigh on Tuesday night, rallying in camouflage T-shirts emblazoned with the letters "W.A.R." - Durham Herald-Sun, 5/5/11
We. Are. Ready.

The teachers were there to "stand for education," the shirts (and teachers) said.

In keeping with their theme, it appears that any standing they do will be in the trenches --specifically, a $1.3 billion deep trench. That's how deeply the House cut the state's budget for education before passing the spending bill on a 72-47 vote.

(Go to article for more)

3. Editorial - Keeping taxes low not only goal of government; services needed, too - Wilmington Star-News
Published: Friday, May 6, 2011 at 6:23 p.m.

The horse-and-buggy was a gimmick, but opponents of the deep cuts in the N.C. House’s version of the state budget made their point. Many of the cuts proposed could set North Carolina back many years, particularly in the areas of education and environmental protection. Vulnerable residents also may suffer from reductions in Medicaid and mental health funds.

(Go to article for more)

It is up to us to pitch fits about this brutal budget. Write your representatives.

Posted by Admin at May 10, 2011 03:13 PM