May 03, 2013
Upcoming events - including play tonight!

Fri-Sat, May 3 & 4 - 3 shows of A Memory, Monologue, Rant and a Prayer, produced by Project VOX—more at

Sat, May 4 - Out-Raleigh—Come visit or volunteer with Raleigh NOW! We have a table from 11am-9pm!

Tue, May 7 - 7pm, Raleigh NOW meeting at 2912 Highwoods Blvd.
UPDATE: Meeting is cancelled - go to the rally, protest, vigil downtown at 7pm instead.

Wed, May 15, noon-2pm—Simple Justice—Long Overdue—Rally for ERA

Tue, June 4 - 7pm, Raleigh NOW meeting

July - NO Raleigh NOW meeting

Weekend, July 5-7 National NOW
convention in Chicago

Weekly opportunity! Join with many groups as part of The People’s Lobby
Every Wed, May 8, 15, 22, 29, 10-noon—Standing Up For Our Rights—on the lawn in front of the State House 16 W. Jones St.

Posted by Admin at May 03, 2013 08:57 AM