May 03, 2013
The NCGA is out of control!!

Our NCGA has proposed so many terrible bills it is hard to keep track of them. But we try!

Do you know about these attacks? Here are some examples (grouped into categories):

Attacks on public schools (removing class size limits, taking away teacher assistants, no limit on number of charter schools and vouchers which both take money from public schools)

Attacks on voting (shorten and limit early voting, voter ids to limit who can vote)

Attacks on health care (refusing to expand Medicaid losing out on $15-20 billion over 6 years and losing out on 18,000-25,000 jobs by many estimations)

Punishing the unemployed (slashing unemployment benefits by 1/3 and shortening the number of weeks NC will cover, losing out on a ton of federal money to pay for long term unemployment)

Attacks on domestic violence programs (removing stalking as cause for getting a restraining order, getting rid of the Domestic Violence Commission we already have, cutting the people who work with DV out of decision making, giving control of money to inappropriate organizations, etc)

Attacks on citizen’s personal lives (making everyone wait 2 years after deciding to divorce, living together the whole time, decreeing a “State religion)

...and more.

NC NOW captures these attacks in our weekly legislative updates, which we send to our members. Please email if you want to receive them. Contact same to see if your membership is current.

Posted by Admin at May 03, 2013 09:07 AM