June 24, 2013
Women's Issues a focus of June 24 Moral Monday. Join us!

News flash! Women's issues, labor issues and economic issues are the focus of today's Moral Monday protest. Join us if you can! The speakers begin at 5, but our citizens who want to be heard but are willing to get arrested walk across to the Legislative Building at 6, and people stay and go around to the prison busses and rally there.

You really need to join us! Our representatives are turning a deaf ear to our pleas for mercy and compassion!

So much is happening so fast! Governor McCrory signed 56 bills last Wednesday, Jun 19, including SB306 to repeal the Racial Justice Act (RJA). This means it will now be easier to execute people of color who may have been condemned to death through racial bias.

There have been many appeals from many organizations and individuals to change course or at least to make the laws a little less painful. On Jul 1, 2013, 70,000 long-term unemployed workers will lose their federal emergency unemployment benefits. At least another 70,000 laid off workers will lose their emergency benefits before the end of the year. According to NC Justice Center and in their article "Last In Decency" at http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/2013/06/21/last-in-decency/, "It does not have to happen and extending the benefits for another six months won’t cost the state a dime. They would be paid with federal funding." Jul 1 is a week from today!!

You can call your representatives and tell them how you feel about specific bills, but another thing you can do is join us at today's Moral Monday protest. They keep getting bigger, as they should, since so many NC citizens are being hurt by these bills. Please join us!

Posted by Admin at June 24, 2013 11:17 AM