If you are not appalled at NC's Dept of Health and Human Services, as well as our NC lawmakers and Governor McCookies decisions to refuse to expand Medicaid, you are not paying attention.
NC was the only state in the US to cut off WIC - the program for infants and new mothers. After being shamed locally and nationally, they found some money to continue the program. AFTER BEING SHAMED!
Governor McCookie wanted to make $230,000 in updates to the 6 bathrooms in his mansion. Meanwhile people are going hungry and losing their homes due to unemployment benefit changes, refusal to expand Medicaid, the DHHS's NC Fast system not providing food benefits to people FOR MONTHS, and more. Again, he only changed his plans AFTER BEING SHAMED.
DHHS will stop funding for North Carolina’s Work First program. Work First provides welfare money, Medicaid coverage and work training with funds from the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. North Carolina is one of only a few states to announce that TANF benefits would stop in November. IT IS THE ONLY STATE TO STOP PROCESSING TANF APPLICATIONS.
DHHS will stop funding for North Carolina’s Work First program. Work First provides welfare money, Medicaid coverage and work training with funds from the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. North Carolina is one of only a few states to announce that TANF benefits would stop in November. IT IS THE ONLY STATE TO STOP PROCESSING TANF APPLICATIONS.
Go to the NC NOW National Organization for Women facebook page (entries from Oct 14, 2013) to see more.