July 27, 2003
Wal-Mart Protest Planned


Raleigh NOW will be protesting at the Cary Wal-Mart this Saturday (8/2/03) from 11-12:00pm.

The National Organization for Women, its Board of Directors, and its members have received numerous complaints regarding workplace environment and employment practices at Wal-Mart stores, distribution centers, regional and corporate offices. We have considered the extensive public record on cases filed against Wal-Mart and found the allegations disturbing. They are sex discrimination in pay, promotion, and compensation, wage abuse, exclusion of contraceptive coverage in insurance plans, violations of child labor laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Cases have also been filed regarding firing pro-union workers, eliminating jobs once workers joined unions, and discouraging workers from unionizing. In addition, Wal-Mart continues to refuse to dispense Preven, the "morning-after pill."

Consistent with the goals of NOW's Women Friendly Workplace Campaign, NOW names Wal-Mart a Merchant of Shame. Wal-Mart's dismal record contradicts the worker-friendly image it projects to the public. Join NOW in its campaign to demand changes in Wal-Mart's unfair practices.

For more information regarding why Wal-Mart has been named a Merchant of Shame please go to the following link: http://www.now.org/issues/wfw/wal-mart.html

Raleigh NOW will be meeting on THURSDAY night (6/31/03) at the president's house to make signs and organize for Saturday. If you would like directions or more information please send an email to president@raleighnow.org.

Posted by Admin at 11:52 AM
July 22, 2003
Member Benefits

Enjoy special privileges as a contributing member of the National Organization for Women! With our bigger-than-ever discounts and special value programs, NOW supporters can save as much as 50% off products and services, while helping fund the women's rights movement.

Click on the link to learn more: http://www.now.org/membership/benefits/index.html

Posted by Admin at 03:36 PM
July 16, 2003
Personhood comes at birth

Below is a link to an excellent article by Leila Hessini who very cogently and persuasively presents the case against granting personhood to the fetus, arguing that human rights begin at birth.


Posted by Admin at 11:17 AM
July 02, 2003
Raleigh NOW Heads to National Conference

We are pleased to announce that several members of Raleigh NOW will be heading to D.C. next week to attend the NOW National Conference. North Carolina will be well represented, not only at the conference, but at The Intrepid Awards Gala as well.

It's not too late for you to attend! Go to www.now.org for information on the conference. Let us know if you are attending by emailing us at president@raleighnow.org. We are carpooling and sharing rooms.

Posted by Admin at 09:47 AM