January 19, 2004
Celebrate 31 Years of Choice

Celebrate 31 Years of Choice!

Come together with members of the pro-choice community as we remember Roe v. Wade and the past and present struggles over the right to choose.

Tuesday, January 20
5:30 - 7:00pm

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
1801 Hillsborough St, Raleigh

Join us Tuesday to learn how you can take action to protect and strengthen the promise of Roe v. Wade here in North Carolina! Refreshments will be served.

Hosted by:
Raleigh NOW, NARAL Pro-Choice NC, Planned Parenthood Health Systems, Planned Parenthood Central North Carolina, Ipas, and Lillian's List

Posted by Admin at 10:01 PM
January 12, 2004
Access Denied: U.S. Family Planning Restrictions in Zambia

Ipas Executive Vice President Anu Kumar will discuss U.S. restrictions on international family planning and their contribution to the global problem of unsafe abortion. The presentation will feature the local premier of the seven-minute documentary video Access Denied: U.S. Family Planning Restrictions in Zambia, which details the impact of the global gag rule on reproductive health in one of Africa’s poorest countries.

Wednesday, January 21
UNC Campus
Murphy Hall, Room 116
7:00 p.m.

Ipas Senior Policy Associate Leila Hessini will participate in a pro-choice teach-in to commemorate the Jan. 22 anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The event is co-sponsored by a number of student organizations including UNC-ChoiceUSA and the Feminist Students United. It will consist of a panel discussion addressing such topics as What is Choice?, reproductive rights as human rights, the history of the struggle for reproductive freedom in the United States, and international perspectives. More details forthcoming.

Posted by Admin at 02:57 PM
January 07, 2004
Signature Ad

Please see below for more information about the Signature Ad.


Contact Gaily at 676-9797 or gailya@juno.com for more information.

Stay tuned for information about Roe v. Wade events (anniversary date is Jan. 22nd)

Posted by Admin at 10:52 PM