Did you know that hospitals, clinics, insurance companies and others can deny reproductive health care services to women if it violates their "conscience" or is "morally objectionable." ?
Did you know the Administration wants to Roll Back Family Leave?
Did you know the Senate majority wants to change the rules to prevent filibusters? The Senate filibuster prevents the majority from trampling on minority rights. Do you oppose the attempt to rewrite Senate rules to eliminate checks and balances, and grab absolute power to confirm judges for lifetime appointments who will turn back the clock on women’s rights, civil rights, and the environment?
To take action on these and other issues, go to www.now.org. Choose
Join other like minded people to rally against the "Nuclear Option!" in Chapel Hill on Wednesday, April 27 at 5:00 pm in front of the Franklin Street Post Office in Chapel Hill.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) has threatened to invoke the "nuclear option," a parliamentary power-grab that would break a more than 200-year-old Senate rule allowing senators from the minority party to filibuster out-of-the-mainstream judicial nominees - including those for the Supreme Court!
Support Democrats and moderate Republicans who've come out against the nuclear option. We need to let them know we expect them to fight for an independent judiciary with everything they’ve got.
Peacefully unite with other progressive individuals and organizations to oppose the Senate going nuclear! Please bring signs, friends, and family - everyone is welcome!
March Commemoration Movie - Voice For Choice
Please join us to commemorate the March for Women's Lives. Alligator Cowgirls Productions made a Voice for Choice dvd on the March, and we have it. Enjoy it with us and see the magnitude of the people at the march, and the reasons we marched.
Bring your own stories or pictures if you have any to share. I have some great pictures with homemade signs to share (and the dvd, of course).
We'll view it at a member's house in Morrisville. Contact Gailya at 539-7702 if you need directions.
March Commemoration Movie - Voice For Choice
Please join us to commemorate the March for Women's Lives. Alligator Cowgirls Productions made a Voice for Choice dvd on the March, and we have it. Enjoy it with us and see the magnitude of the people at the march, and the reasons we marched.
Bring your own stories or pictures if you have any to share. I have some great pictures with homemade signs to share (and the dvd, of course).
We'll view it at a member's house in Morrisville. Contact Gailya at 539-7702 if you need directions.
Did you see the full page ad that ran on April 25, 2005? It ran exactly a year after 1.15 million women, men and children marched on D.C. during the March for Women's Lives. Raleigh NOW was there with 2 busses full of mostly non-members (and we were not the only busses from Raleigh!). Most of our members drove themselves separately so they could help out (and party) early!
I have a copy of the ad, which I'll bring to our next meeting - Tuesday, May 3. It said
We Stand On Moral Ground
We stand for healthy women and families. We stand for access to basic health care, including birth control, emergency contraception, sex education, STD testing and treatment, prenatal care, and abortion.
We stand for medical privacy.
W e stand for women's lives. We stand on moral ground.
Stand With Us
Hope to see you Tuesday.