June 26, 2006
National Conference in Albany in July

Please join Raleigh NOW and NC NOW at NOW's national conference in Albany NY. The NOW Conference and Young Feminist Summit is July 21 - 23. The hotel is booked solid, but we may be able to find you a roomate. Go to www.now.org for more info on the conference. See speakers at http://www.now.org/organization/conference/2006/speakers.html.

NOW makes it easy to take part in actions at http://www.now.org/actions/index.html.

Posted by Admin at 12:27 AM
June 25, 2006
Next Meeting - July 11 2006

The next Raleigh NOW meeting is on Tuesday, July 11, at 7pm at the United Unitarian Fellowship of Raleigh (UUFR). This is an exception, as we generally meet the first Tuesday of every month. Email gailya@nc.rr.com for details.

Posted by Admin at 11:29 PM