September 23, 2007
Women have waited long enough - Ratify CEDAW!

NOW and allied organizations (including Amnesty International, the AAUW and the ACLU) are renewing their efforts this month to tell senators that 27 years is long enough - CEDAW must be ratified. Delegations of activists will converge on the nation's capital September 24 through 28 to deliver their messages in person. You can participate by calling your senators, sending an email message or visiting the senators' offices in Washington, D.C., or in your state.

CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, is a United Nations treaty that sets out internationally-accepted principles that uphold women's rights. We have waited 27 years for the Senate to take action and ratify this treaty.

Go to to read about CEDAW and to use NOW's action system to easily send emails to your state senators or mail directly to Senator Burr and Sentator Dole in their NC offices.

For a list of organizations that support CEDAW, go to

Posted by Admin at 04:59 PM
Wake County School Board Surveys

Wake County votes on Oct 9, 2007.

To read survey results from 6/10 school board members, go to

This site also shows early voting dates, etc, for Wake County.

The NOW PAC does not have endorsements in these local races.

Posted by Admin at 04:22 PM
September 16, 2007
NC NOW State Conference

Transcending the Boundaries - 2007 NC NOW State Conference
Saturday, October 27th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

NOW's Vice President of Action, Olga Vives, is our keynote speaker. We'll discuss such issues as the new Supreme Court's rulings (Ledbetter) and other issues, immigration, electoral politics (local elections are Oct 9, btw). There will also be workshops, speakers, election of officers

WHERE: Greensboro
WHEN: October 27th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
COST: $35, with sliding scale down to the cost of lunch. Students - $10.

Contact president at for more information or to run appropriate ads in the conference bulletin.

Posted by Admin at 09:57 PM
From Campus to Congress WOCA Conference in Greensboro

Feminist Majority Foundation, and the Africana Women's Studies Department at Bennett College and NC NOW are cosponsoring a conference at Bennett College in Greensboro. From Campus to Congress - Women of Color Creating Change.

On Friday, Sept 21 Bennett hosts a discussion with Dr. Julianne Malveaux, president of Bennett College and Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation, in the student union.

On Saturday, Sept 22 is the conference dedicated to the leadership of young people and highlighting issues important to them, including healthcare, education, economic empowerment and equality.

Learn more and register at

Posted by Admin at 09:12 PM
Candidate Forum for Raleigh City Council

Prepare yourselves with the facts! We count the most in local elections. Raleigh votes on Oct 9, 2007. Hear from candidates for the Raleigh City Council on Sept 19.

What: Candidate Forum for the Raleigh City Council
When: Wednesday, September 19, from 7:00-9:00pm
Where: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2723 Clark Avenue (corner of Clark and Brooks near NCSU)
Note: Enter on Clark Avenue and proceed to the lower level

Sponsors: League of Women Voters of Wake County
WakeUP Wake County

Posted by Admin at 09:03 PM