March 06, 2008
Upcoming Events and Meetings

March 15 - 1pm-3pm - Vigil to commemmorate the 5th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War and mourn the cumulative loss of lives. Participants will read the names of U.S. soldiers from North Carolina who have died in Iraq since the initial invasion on March 19th, 2003. Meet at the State Capital. Set up by CodePink.

March 29, Saturday, at 2:30pm - “One Woman, One Vote,” is being shown at the West Regional Library in Cary. See the movie and join a discussion afterward. This movie is two-hours long. Organized by LWV-WC

April 8th - next Raleigh NOW meeting at 7pm
(Changed the date because April 1st is Wake County School's Spring Break)
We'll have a speaker from Interact come at 7:30 to tell us about the need for the new abused women's shelter and the new facilities (going from 18 beds to 45 beds). At our June meeting, we will do a shelter shower for Interact.

Our speaker is Ashley Soublet, Development Officer at Interact. Ashley is coordating the shower project for Interact, so we're lucky to have her. Please come to learn more about Interact's new facility, and the new programs they are developing to help end domestic violence for all families. And you can learn how Raleigh NOW can be a part of these efforts, demonstrating our support for Interact, the work they do and for the women who are taking steps to break out of the cycle of violence.

April 11, 12 Economic Justice Summit in Atlanta GA
Go to for more info.
April 12 - SE Regional NOW Conference in Atlanta

May 6 - Raleigh NOW Meeting at 7pm. Includes chapter elections.

June 3 - Raleigh NOW will host a Shelter Shower during our regular meeting time (meeting will start at 6:45, shower at 7:30).

Posted by Admin at 11:15 PM