December 02, 2008
Dec, Jan Dates to Remember

* 2008 *
Wed., Dec 10, 6-8pm - Phone banking for 2009 Signature Ad
Tue., Dec 16, 6-8pm - Phone banking for 2009 Signature Ad
Thurs, Jan 8, 6-8pm - Last phone banking
Please call 539-7702 if you'd like to help phone bank, or get your name in the Signature Ad.

* 2009 *
Tue., Jan 6 – Raleigh NOW Meeting
Mon., Jan 12 – last day to mail names for signature ad
Mon., Jan 19 – MLK March downtown Raleigh
Tue., Feb 3 – Raleigh NOW Meeting

Raleigh NOW meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the breakroom at the WPO building at 2912 Highwoods Blvd in Raleigh. Go around to the back of the building (furthest from the street) to get in.
The Raleigh chapter meets every month - except July, due to the timing of the annual National NOW conference.

Every year, North Carolina NOW takes over the entire centerfold of the Independent weekly newspaper. We print a big list of names of local people who support women’s reproductive rights. The ad is distributed to all of the NC State Senators and Representatives. This commemorates Roe v. Wade, and also raises money for our lobbyist here in North Carolina. Please contact us at if you would like to participate.

Posted by Admin at 03:38 PM