April 27, 2011
Apex benefit, Raleigh NOW event

2 more upcoming events:
1. Great plays in Apex to raise money against violence against women

May 6 and May 7 at 7:30pm - V-Day Apex's benefit production of Eve Ensler's; A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer. This play is by the author of The Vagina Monologues. Jill Sansoucy wrote that as of a few weeks ago (4/6/11) there have been 7 murders in North Carolina. Two of them were in Wake County, one happened in Apex.

V-Day Apex will use the money to help end domestic violence and sexual assault. Mandy Carter will introduce the play on May 6. Gailya Paliga will introduce it on May 7. Come see us!

For more info, go to http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147847518616233

2. Women Need Us NOW!! - Saturday, May 14, 3-5, in N. Raleigh

Find out what the people running our state are really doing - and what it means to women and families. Find out what we can do about it. Raleigh NOW event.

Contact president@raleighnow.org for location and ticket. Space is limited.

3. Raleigh NOW business meeting, Tuesday, May 3, at 7pm

Please join us as we review what we've been doing and plan our summer events.

Posted by Admin at 02:40 PM
Upcoming events this week!

1. Support Planned Parenthood Wednesday, Apr 27, at 8am

Come to the Halifax Mall (directly behind the Legislative Building on 16 W. Jones Street in downtown Raleigh) at 8:10am to support Planned Parenthood. Wear hot pink, and anyway PP will have pink tshirts, stickers and buttons for us to wear.

Come just to the rally for 20-30 minutes. If you could spare more time, stay for part of the meeting, LOB, Room 643. We can make a difference!

Background: NC HHS (Health and Human Services) Appropriations committee approved a special provision to the state budget that would bar Planned Parenthood from receiving any state funds to provide family planning services and teen pregnancy prevention initiatives in North Carolina. This funding enables Planned Parenthood to provide 100% preventative care to women and families in our state, including breast and cervical cancer screenings and contraceptive care. This fight now moves to the full Appropriations Committee (that is meeting tomorrow) and then, if approved, will move to the House floor next week.

Come support PP.

2. Work Til We Die event in Raleigh NC, April 28, at noon

Social Security is at great risk right now. Join Congressman Brad Miller and others in Raleigh who are standing up against these attacks - at a rally in Raleigh on Thursday, April 28 at noon.

We will demand: "Don't Make Us Work 'Til We Die. Hands off Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid." Learn about it at http://strengthensocialsecurity.org/ You can sign on to a petition at this site. Make signs for the rally if you like. Even if you are working, maybe you can come on your lunch hour. We need to stand up for ourselves and others!

When: April 28th at Noon

Where: Social Security Building

4701 Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh NC

RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=102803793140294

Visit: www.WorkTilWeDie.org and watch the coalition’s video about a future without Social Security. Then come to the rally in Raleigh at noon on Thursday, April 28. Hope to see you there!

3. Stand Against Racism on Friday, Apr 29, at noon

Take a Stand Against Racism together with hundreds of area residents who are concerned about racism in our community. On April 29, we will spotlight some startling facts about ths Wake County Public School System. We will learn from and celebrate parent and youth courageously working for education justice in Wake County.

Now is the time to come together. Current bills in the state legislature threaten the Racial Justice Act and the human and current civil rights of undocumented people.

Contact Bridgette Burge at bburge@ywcatriangle.org for more information.

Posted by Admin at 12:38 AM