MLK march - meet on Monday, Jan 16, at 10:40am on the Edenton St. side of the state capital.
See 'Top Ten Reasons Why You Should March' at
Every year we march - rain or shine - and then go out for hot drinks or for lunch afterward. Please join us!
Please add your name to the pro-choice signature ad that NC NOW runs in the Independent weekly every year. The ad gives an opportunity for pro-choice people to make a statement. NC NOW delivers copies of the ads to all of our NC Senators and House of Representatives members. You can print the ad you find at
Please fill it in and mail it with your information.
If it is after January 8, 2011 and you want your name in the ad, please email to be sure we get your name in time. The mail is reliable, but not perfectly so. You can also send a donation without putting your name in the ad.
NC NOW is very concerned about this constitutional amendment. Many Raleigh and NC NOW members have gone to rallies against it and it was the focus of the whole morning at our NC NOW state conference on 11/17/11.
According to Representative Rick Glazier, who spoke about it at our state conference
It does not just define marriage as only between a man and a woman—it also bars all heterosexual as well as gay domestic partnerships and civil unions.
This is not a mere codification of the existing law, but a vast expansion, creating one of the most, if not the most, extreme and intrusive law in the US.
It should affect anyone living together but not married in many different but profound ways - this includes disabled people, all hetrosexual domestic partners (not married to each other) including older couples who don't plan to marry or remarry.
This amendment was presented in a special session, with no known cases or lawsuits to prompt it. The amendment was offered in its final form 15 minutes before it was put on the committee calendar. It was discussed at a committee hearing for less than one hour with no public input or outside legal analysis allowed, then debated and voted on the floor of the house not one hour later.
It threatens to alter the family law landscape in ways never even contemplated by its authors or certainly understood by those who voted on it.
You can read highlights of Rep. Glaziers speech in the at Oct-Dec 2011 Raleigh NOW newsletter, but you can read his words directly at
At the conference, we brainstormed actions to defeat this terrible amendment. One main idea was to educate others about it, and get them to VOTE AGAINST IT! If this amendment concerns you, then VOTE VOTE VOTE and get your friends and others to VOTE AGAINST IT in May 2012.
The 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade brings more challenges than ever before in NC. Fake women's clinics are all over the state, and now NC will collect money for them.
"Choose Life" license plates fund fake clinics whose sole purpose is to dissuade women from having abortions.
These clinics are known as Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs). They often place themselves near real medical women's clinics and try to attract women with unintended pregnancies.
Find out about these fake clinics which are all around us.
Place: Temple Beth Or, 5315 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh NC
Room: Congregation Hall
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2012
Time: 7pm
Sponsored by the Raleigh Chapter of the National Organization for Women, the TBO Social Action Committee and Pro-Choice North Carolina.
R.S.V.P. 919-539-7702 or
Our next Raleigh NOW meeting is Tuesday, Jan 3, 2012, at 7pm, at the UUFR building in Raleigh. Contact if you plan to participate or help with any of this.
We have many things to discuss and do, including
Signature Ad Appeal - get names and donations by Jan 9, 2012. The appeal is posted in December announcements (below).
Real Money for Fake Clinics - Roe Event highlighting situation with CPCs in NC - Thursday, Jan 26, 2012 - at 7pm at TBO.
MLK march - meet on Monday, Jan 16, at 10:40am on the Edenton St. side of the state capital.