March 14, 2012
Sounding an alarm to protect the ACA - Affordable Care Act

The provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will fix much that is wrong with health care in the US today - it will provide:
no preconditions, no caps, no loss of coverage if you get sick, ability to keep your college-age child on your policy, and so on.

On Mar 1, 2012, HERVOTES held a press conference to sound an alarm – there have been too many attacks on women’s rights in the past year for us to remain silent.

"We’re seeing reproductive rights under attack, from an unprecedented number of bills in the last legislative session directly attacking abortion access to the challenging of birth control coverage by religious employers under the Affordable Care Act. We’re seeing Medicaid and Medicare challenged as funding for public education is slashed and public sector jobs are cut. Voter ID laws only serve to further exacerbate all of the attacks to health, education, and employment, as those most affected by these decisions are the very people being disenfranchised – low income people, people of color, women, and youth."

See more at

Posted by Admin at 08:36 AM
Doonesbury exposes the reality of Abortion restrictions

Garry Trudeau came up with another hard hitting "Doonesbury" comic strip, which skewers a Texas law that requires women who are seeking abortions to receive sonograms. Gotta love him!

See the first one at

"Please take a seat in the shaming room." How true.

Find the current and archived ones at

He's really covering it!

Posted by Admin at 08:27 AM
March 07, 2012
Support NOW, Get Ms.

Support NOW, Get Ms.

Through March 8, we are partnering with Ms. magazine, an award-winning feminist publication. When you donate $25 to NOW you can receive Ms. magazine for one year -- for free! And if you're not a NOW member, join today and get a Ms. magazine with your $25 join.

Go to, and click on the deal on the right.

Posted by Admin at 12:42 AM
Flush Rush's appalling attack and more articles

Here are some interesting articles. The first set are from looking up war on women (not trying to be partisan at all, but these attacks are clearly being initiated from somewhere!).

1. Subject Rush Limbaugh, AOL Part Ways
WASHINGTON -- AOL, the parent company of The Huffington Post, has become the eighth advertiser to pull its money from Rush Limbaugh's syndicated radio program since he called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, who spoke out in favor of contraception coverage, a "slut" and a "prostitute" last week, according to a high-level Huffington Post source ..

More at

2. Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP's War on Women!
This is from Gotta read it to believe it!

Read them all at

3. The Republican party declares war on women, from the UK Guardian!
Subtitle: The more Republican candidates pitch for social conservative votes, the more we see the misogyny of America's religious right

Republicans and their Tea Party shock troops say they want to "take America back". Progressives think they mean back to the 1950s, back to when men were men, women were ladies, and black folks only got into the White House by the back door. But Republicans are thinking big: they actually want to take us back to the Middle Ages, back to the "good old days" of sexual repression, regulation and punishment.

Read the rest at

Posted by Admin at 12:22 AM