January 10, 2013
It's all about being loud and proud!

Opportunities to be counted!

Wednesday, Jan 16, our pro-choice Signature Ad runs in the Independent. Grab a copy and see many people standing up for choice! Join us in February when we deliver copies of the ad to all of our NC Senators and House Representatives. Distribution date tbd.

Thursday, Jan 31, 5:30-7:30pm, in Raleigh, Celebrate with us as Roe Turns 40! It's the 40th anniversary of the US Supreme Court Roe v Wade decision. What has it meant to you? Bring your stories and ideas and food if you like. We will celebrate together at 2912 Highwoods Blvd, Raleigh. Near Capital and the Beltline in Raleigh.

Saturday, Feb 9, meet at 10am for the Historic Thousands on Jones Street (HK on J7) March and Rally. The theme this year is 'Mobilizing to End Poverty and Economic Injustice.'

Tuesday, April 9, 8:30am, join us and other organizations in NC Women United (NCWU) for Women's Advocacy Day, at the Legislative Building (on Jones St) in Raleigh. The keynote speaker for this event is Kim Gandy, past president of national NOW and current president of NNEDV (the National Network to End Domestic Violence). We will hear Kim, do some lobbying training, have a press conference, and get a chance to talk to our own representatives. Should be done by noon. (Note - this was originally listed for April 10).

Posted by Admin at 09:48 PM
January 04, 2013
Pro-choice signature ad names due 1/9/13

Please add your name to the pro-choice signature ad that NC NOW runs in the Independent Weekly every year, and that we deliver to all of our representatives in the NC General Assembly (House and Senate). The ad reads as follows and includes columns and columns of pro-choice supporters names.

“We the undersigned, support a woman’s right to safe, legal, and accessible birth control and abortion. We condemn the acts of violence and intimidation directed at women and their health care providers. We agree that these rights extend to all women regardless of economic status, and, as taxpayers, affirm our support for family planning services and for abortions for indigent women.”

The wording has changed from past years because the state abortion fund was eliminated in 2011 by H.B 200, and due to the extreme attacks on women's clinics and Planned Parenthood.

At this late point, please also email president at raleighnow.org to be sure we get your name in the ad.

To see and download a copy of our pro-choice signature ad, click Download file

Note: Next Raleigh NOW meeting is Tuesday, Jan 8, at 7pm at the NC NOW office building. Please contact president at raleighnow.org for details.

Posted by Admin at 02:08 PM