July 25, 2013
Moral Monday #13 in Raleigh - June 29, 5-8pm

Please join us at the next Moral Monday protest at Halifax Mall. I hope this will be the biggest yet. It better be - with all the terrible legislation they are forcing on us - gutting public education, restricting and limiting voter and voting access, interfering with and threatening doctors, closing abortion clinics (which also provide other lifesaving preventative care for women), among other things.

Each one of us makes a difference by being there, and by encouraging others.

Posted by Admin at 12:58 AM
Rally against Anti-Abortion legislation - Jul 25, 2013, at noon

The bill pending in the Senate would restrict abortion access and impose requirements on women's health care centers that would make it nearly impossible for clinics to remain open, thus cutting off women's access to abortions as well as critical health services such as breast exams and cancer screenings. Read about TRAP laws – Targetted Regulation of Abortion Providers. In NC, TRAP laws are expected to close 16 of 17 clinics.

When Gov. McCrory was running for office, he pledged that he would not enact any new abortion restrictions: Please join us at the Capitol tomorrow to urge the governor to keep his word!

Action: "Keep Your Promise, Pat" Rally
Date: Thursday, July 25
Time: By noon
Place: The corner of the State Capitol Building in Raleigh at Edenton/Wilmington Streets

Thanks to efforts so far, we've slowed down the dangerous anti-women's health bill that our senators tried to sneak under the radar during the Independence Day holiday. But the bill is still pending in the Senate and could make its way to Gov. McCrory's desk in the next week. We need to keep the pressure on!

Join NC National Organization for Women (NC NOW) and our allies on Thursday, July 25, at noon to rally for women's health at the State Capitol! Wear purple (or pink) if you have any - t-shirts are best, they show up well. Look for the NOW signs. Many groups will be meeting to rally.

Once the bill is passed, Gov. McCrory will have 10 days to decide whether to sign it. We your help to pressure him to keep his word and do the right thing. Please join us at the rally on Thursday!

Posted by Admin at 12:56 AM