August 12, 2013
What a disappointment, Fayetteville Observer, 8/2/13

Op-ed-Gailya Paliga-What a disappointment

What a difference a few days make. Last Friday, I believed that Gov. Pat McCrory was a mature adult who could make educated decisions. That he would read and discuss the bills put before him, and consider their effects on real people's lives. That he would consult with experts on both sides.

In an attempt to get his attention, Planned Parenthood organized two days of vigil across from the governor's mansion. A mature leader would have invited the leaders to a meeting and listened to their concerns about the abortion legislation in Senate Bill 353. The protesters included some of the state's best minds on how this bill could hurt women. The two sides might not have agreed, but the governor would have had real information to consider before making major policy changes.

Instead, he went out of his way to insult the protesters.

On Monday night after he signed the abortion restrictions into law, he waved at the many protesters from his balcony. Then, just after 1 p.m. on Tuesday, he and his bodyguards brought a tray of cookies to us.

He doesn't understand that cookies are not the answer. He should have talked to us weeks ago. He could have learned many things.

Closing clinics is not better for women. The law contains Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers rules that are costly and cosmetic, requiring clinics to widen hallways, doorways and even entrance awnings.

It gives strangers an excuse to question every woman's personal decision to have an abortion and threatens physicians with lawsuits based on their answers, thanks to the section prohibiting abortions done for "sex-selection."

It allows any health-care provider to opt out of participating in abortion procedures.

It requires physicians to be present for the entire abortion procedure, even if the doctor would not be in the room during a comparable medical procedure. This is a deliberate move to waste doctors' time.

It tells insurance companies what they can and can't cover by prohibiting coverage of abortion from health care packages - including for city and county employees. They also cut abortion out of the coming federal exchange.

The abortion bill is cruelty couched as care. Does our governor understand that?

What a disappointment.

Gailya Paliga is president of the N.C. National Organization for Women.

Ran in the Fayetteville Observer -

Posted by Admin at 12:56 AM
McCrory shows immaturity, N&O, 7/31/13

I had believed that Gov. Pat McCrory was a mature adult who could make educated decisions, that he would read and discuss bills put before him and consider their effects on real people’s lives. I also believed that he would consult with experts on both sides.However, McCrory has shown his true colors.

Planned Parenthood organized two days of vigil across from the mansion to get his attention. A mature leader would have invited the leaders to a meeting and listened to their concerns about abortion legislation. The protesters included some of the state’s best minds on how this bill could hurt women. The two sides might not have agreed, but the governor would have real information to consider before making such important decisions.

That is not what happened. His immaturity and ego became clear with two major insults. After he signed the abortion restrictions into law on July 29, he waved at the 30 to 40 protesters from his balcony. Then, just after 1 p.m. on July 30, he and his bodyguards brought a tray of cookies to us.

We returned those cookies with a note “Gov. McCrory. Will take health care, not cookies.”

What a disappointment.

Gailya Paliga
President, N.C. National Organization for Women

Posted by Admin at 12:47 AM
Cookies, Governor Pat? Charlotte Observer, 7/31/13

Last Friday, I believed that Governor Pat McCrory was a mature adult who could make educated decisions. That he would read and discuss the bills put before him and consider their effects on real people’s lives. That he would consult with experts on both sides.

In an attempt to get his attention, Planned Parenthood organized two days of vigil across from the governor’s mansion. A mature leader would have invited the leaders to a meeting and listened to their concerns about the abortion legislation in SB353. The protesters included some of the state’s best minds on how this bill could hurt women. The two sides may not have agreed, but the governor would have real information to consider before making major policy changes.

Instead, he went out of his way to insult the protesters.

Monday night after he signed the abortion restrictions into law, he waved at the many protesters from his balcony. Then, just after 1 p.m. on Tuesday, he and his bodyguards brought a tray of cookies to us.

Seriously. He gave them to one of the younger women in our crowd and she tried to give them back.

He doesn’t understand that cookies are not the answer. He should have talked to us weeks ago. He could have learned many things, such as:

1. Closing clinics is not better for women. The law contains Targetted Regulation of Abortion Providers rules that that are costly and cosmetic, requiring clinics to widen hallways, doorways and even entrance awnings.

2. It gives strangers an excuse to question every woman’s personal decision to have an abortion and threatens physicians with lawsuits based on their answers, thanks to the section prohibiting abortions done for “sex-selection.”

3. It allows any health care provider to opt out of participating in abortion procedures.

4. It requires physicians to be present for the entire procedure, even if the doctor would not be in the room during a comparable medical procedure. This is a deliberate move to waste doctors’ time.

5. It tells insurance companies what they can and can’t cover by prohibiting coverage of abortion from health care packages – including for city and county employees. They also cut abortion out of the coming federal exchange.

The abortion bill is cruelty couched as care. Does our governor understand that?

What a disappointment.

This ran in the Charlotte Observer on Aug 1, 2013. It was posted online on 7/31/13.

Posted by Admin at 12:43 AM
Rallies FOR public education - across NC - Aug 2013!

Care about education? Go out and rally for it!

There are 6 rallies set up in 6 cities. Wear red, especially red tshirts and/or hats. The closest to Raleigh is probably Greensboro, so I will probably go to that one on Aug 14, in case you'd like to carpool with me.

I've emailed the original email from Public Schools First to members across the state. If you email me at president at I can forward it to you.

The email says:
Join Public Schools First NC, Progress NC and the NCAE as we head across the state to rally in support of our public schools.

We need to set the record straight and hold lawmakers accountable for what they did to public education this year. The public needs the facts, not misleading talking points designed to side step the harmful cuts to public education.

They have set our public schools on a path to destruction. Let your fellow North Carolinians know the truth! Attend one of the events below and please wear red in solidarity with NC's amazing public school teachers!

Monday, August 12 - Charlotte - 10:30am
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Complex
600 East Fourth Street

Tuesday, August 13 - Wilmington - 10:30am
Riverfront Park
5 North Water Street

Wednesday, August 14 - Greensboro - 10:30am
Government Plaza
110 S. Greene Street

Wednesday, August 14 - Winston-Salem - 1:30pm
Grace Court Park
931 West 4th Street

Thursday, August 15 - Asheville - noon
Pack Square Park
McGuire Greene

Friday, August 16 - Greenville - 10:30am
Greenville Town Commons
West 1st Street

Rallies across the state are getting the attention of the media and are helping to educate citizens about what's happening to public education. Please help us spread the word.

Invite your friends, family, and neighbors!

Posted by Admin at 12:27 AM
August 07, 2013
What major corporations and lawmakers don't want you to know!

What major corporations and lawmakers don't want you to know about ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council!

The influence of ALEC is clear in bills filed in NC, and also many of NC's own representatives are members. In fact, NC House Speaker Thom Tillis won ALEC's 2011 "Legislator of the Year" award (as one of 8 winners). ALEC's members are mostly Republican. To give an idea of ALEC's influence - in Aug 2011, Tillis and 31 other House members were in New Orleans for ALEC's annual conference.

According to,

"Founded almost 40 years ago, American Legislative Exchange Council brings together nearly 2,000 state legislators with hundreds of corporate leaders and lobbyists from many of the world’s most powerful corporations to secretly draft model legislation that is then introduced in our states, usually without our knowledge. Some of the corporations include: Koch Industries, Comcast, AT&T, BP, WellPoint, ExxonMobil, and Bank of America.

ALEC, founded by conservative movement icon Paul Weyrich, has worked in virtual secrecy to advance an extreme agenda that puts corporate profits ahead of the public interest and often public safety."

ALEC was 'outted' in 2012 when groups started researching the 'Stand Your Ground' laws that contributed to the killing of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.

Posted by Admin at 09:34 AM
Aug 6 - Screening United States of Alec

Movie night Tuesday, Aug 6, with Raleigh NOW. Watch The United States of ALEC with us.

Read more about it at

We got a new batch of feminist buttons, bumper stickers and some t-shirts at the National NOW conference in Chicago July 5-7. There has never been a better time to show you're a feminist and you're paying attention!! Buttons and t-shirts are $2 for 1 of them and $3 for 2 of them, and $1.50 each for items beyond 2.

If you want to get one of our beautiful dark purple "Forward NOW, Not Back" t-shirts, you can order one for $15. We only have 2 left from the first batch and are making a second. We have one large and one xl left, which we'll have on Tuesday.

Please join us!
Date: Tuesday, Aug 6
Time: 7pm
Place: WPO building, 2912 Highwoods Blvd, Raleigh
Bring: food if you want to share, money if you want to buy some cool stuff.
RSVP: Please! We need to know you are coming so we can let you in.
Email to president at I'll send you back my cellphone number in case you are running late.

Hope to see you!

Posted by Admin at 09:24 AM