October 01, 2015
Join us Oct 6 AFTER YOU VOTE!

Raleigh NOW meeting on Tuesday, Oct 6, at 7:15pm.

Lots going on with the upcoming NC NOW conference on Oct 10. Congresswoman Alma Adams is our keynote speaker! Also featuring law professor and new dean at the law school at Wake Forest University, Suzanne Reynolds. Dean Reynolds is the first woman to head the law school. We’ll have many other great speakers in panels and workshops. Read about the conference, panels, workshops and find links to register and sponsor on the conferences page.

More at https://northcarolinanow.wordpress.com/conferences/

Join us in support of immigrants (and thumbing your nose at Donald Trump) at the "We Make America Great" walk from Charlotte to the Governor's Office in November. Join the I Make America Great Walk! Walk in support of working families!

The walk will start in Charlotte, on Sunday November 8 and end in Raleigh on the 20th.

It will be a relay walk and each day different groups of people will walk an average of 15 miles. Each mile walked will represent $1,180,000 in tax revenue from immigrants, reaching a total of $197 million.

More at the facebook events at https://www.facebook.com/events/1466274130346156/

Pro-choice signature ad is coming up too! Sign up. Help us reach our members and new people in support of choice in NC.

And we can discuss what the NCGA did to NC women and families and workers and everyone!

Posted by Admin at 01:01 AM
Vote in Raleigh and Cary on Oct. 6, 2015

The NC NOW PAC does not endorse in local elections. However, local elections are extremely important. Be ready to vote in Raleigh and Cary on Tuesday, Oct 6. Early voting is open right now if you really want to get it done.

You can read about the candidates in the Indy Weekly, online from Democracy NC, and the News and Observer.

Indy 2015 for Raleigh - http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/vote-or-dont-complain-our-endorsements-for-the-raleigh-municipal-elections/Content?oid=4757099

Democracy NC Voter Guide 2015 - http://ncvoterguide.org/raleigh/index.php
Candidate profiles are coming soon for Charlotte, Durham, Fayetteville and Greensboro - watch at http://ncvoterguide.org/

News and Observer article on candidates - http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article34101126.html

Remember, you can use a written or printed cheat sheet, but not your phone when voting.

Now get out there and vote!


Posted by Admin at 12:30 AM
Vote locally! What does a City Councilor do?

NC is holding municipal elections this fall - Oct 6 in Raleigh and Cary. Our votes count more in these local elections, especially because embarrassingly few people bother to vote. But these officials - Mayor and City Councilors and School Board (when the NCGA doesn't interfere as they did for this election) are extremely important. Dr. Yevonne Brannon posted about what the Raleigh City Councilors do. Read it, and get ready to vote!

WHAT DOES A (Raleigh) CITY COUNCILOR DO? by Dr. Yevonne Brannon

City Councilors join with the other members of the "local" board of government -- our city council-- to serve as the policy-making body for our city. They participate with their council to set goals and visions for how the city will grow and look and operate. They manage the major projects to make this happen, especially infrastructure improvements required by growth. They determine land use - zoning -- and figure out how to finance what our city does and how to finance the needs we have to implement our strategic plan -- they work to keep our city a great place to live and work and to raise our children and grandchildren -- they work to make this city great for us and for those companies we want to attract.

They oversee: Police & Fire Department, Public transportation, Parks, Zoning, Affordable Housing, Ordinances, Neighborhood Renewal, Public Pools, Street Maintenance, Water & Sewer, Waste services & Recycling, Parking, Building & Housing Code Enforcement, Economic development and City Budget & Taxes. WHEW.

City Councilors have serious responsibilities to the citizens, and they have to enforce rules for all of our citizens. Their job is this: "Do the very best to represent your constituents only after you've seen to the needs of the city as a whole." YOU CANNOT just look to the needs of a few or to just one issue.
So to be a great Councillor, you have to weigh the needs of one group of citizens or the city with the needs of all of the whole community.

Raleigh is home to the NC Art Museum, the NC Science Museum, and to NCSU, Shaw, Peace, Meredith and St. Augustine. We are a part of RTI and the triangle, Raleigh is the largest city in NC and in Wake County -- we are the leader in our State and in the South. Our city council must be full of talented folks with great integrity and energetic vision. They have to be able to stand up and make the right votes for the right reasons.

WE SHOULD consider the job very seriously and vote for those we SERIOUSLY - not on one single issue - but over all -- think about who you think can DO THIS important job for ALL of us. This is a tough and time consuming job - running the LARGEST city in NC. I hope everyone will focus on the real work here. Who do you trust with running our city - the entire city -- all of the work there is to be done? This is the critical question. IMHO. THIS is not an ad for anyone - this is about the JOB -- and who we believe can do it.


Posted by Admin at 12:26 AM