January 28, 2016
Inspiration for Roe, featuring Vessel

Jan 22, 2016 marks the 43rd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision which gave women control over their own bodies is a time to be inspired! We are screening Vessel, the film, on Jan 28, 2016.

Date: January 28, 2016
Time: 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Place: Chapel Hill Friends Meeting House
In the building to the left

Dr. Rebecca Gomperts is a fearless sea captain who leads her ship through loopholes in international law on the high seas, reaching women in countries where abortions are illegal and where informational websites are unavailable. Gomperts and her crew learn as they go, and leave a network of emboldened activists in their wake!

Questions: email president@raleighnow.org or call 321-663-8598
RSVP: email president@raleighnow.org, call 321-663-8598

Sponsored by Chapel Hill, Durham and Raleigh NOW.

More on Vessel (with quotes from a great review and link to the review) at great review of vessel - see it yourself!

More on this event at northcarolinanow.wordpress.com/events

The flier is available at Download file

This event is free, but donations are accepted.

Posted by Admin at 01:20 AM